UMOBILE presented in Italy on TV news
The UMOBILE project has entered the exciting dissemination stage for the non-technical public. The Consortium is showing more and more the different applications and services developed during the project with the aim of increasing the general level of awareness on the ability of the UMOBILE to extend the Internet geographically, functionally and socially.
One of these events was the final demo presented in Italy, with the patronage of the Civil Protection Department of Umbria Region. With an outdoor demonstration, it was shown how to overcome a low or missing connectivity, thus allowing users to communicate, especially in emergency situations as the one simulated during the demo.
A wide audience of Civil Protection Agencies, industrial professionals and others potential users of the UMOBILE architecture has attended the event; national TV has broadcast the news on several regional channels.
In terms of dissemination of the project outcomes, this media coverage allowed to reach a large public.